I have a giant passion for guitar that will never leave me. Do you have something in your life that you can't go a day without thinking about? Something so powerful, so beautiful, yet so complex, that you are attracted to it no matter what mood you are in?
That's exactly what guitar is to me. When I'm happy, I play guitar. When I'm sad, I play guitar. When I'm angry? Guitar.
Someone once asked me what my passion was, and I couldn't quite bring it to my mind. Anytime that happens, my advice to you is to think about anything, and I mean ANYTHING in your life that literally takes you to another world.
It should be something that helps you focus, something that you can put your entire heart and soul into. If that's a hobby, great. If thats your job, that's amazing. If its a person, I recommend otherwise.
It's not a bad thing, but my advice is to find something that will NEVER leave your side. Something that you believe in, that you can put everything into and actually get something back from it. Something that you feel absolute merriment from the sheer idea of it.
A passion will never quit on you. It will always be there. There was a point in my guitar-playing history that I quit, and vowed to never pick it up again because I was tired of feeling so frustrated.I didn't pick up a guitar again for 6 months. Over those 6 months, there was no telling what I was doing with my energy, because I sure as hell wasn't using it on a passion of mine. When I finally decided to pick up my guitar and try again, it happened. I felt a feeling that I'd never felt before. I couldn't hear anything but the beautiful noise coming from the bronze colored guitar strings. I realized at that point that I'd found my passion. Now, its safe to say that my favorite part of every day is when I can pick up that black Yamaha acoustic guitar and fall onto cloud nine.
My suggestion is that all of you find that type of love for something when you can, as soon as you can. If I didn't have that, I would be searching far and wide for something that makes me feel the way playing the guitar does.
Search for it, and work hard. The work really pays off. Nothing beats being able to explain in nitpicking detail how much you love something.
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