Thursday, December 4, 2014

7: Cards Left on the Table

Have you ever played poker? Who am I kidding,
Everyone has played poker at some time in their lives. Picture this, you're in the middle of a simple game of Texas Hold 'Em, and you've got two 6 cards in your hand. You aren't sure about this hand, because you've had bad luck on every single past hand. The fact that you've had bad luck before this hand begins to sway your opinion, and before the betting even begins, you set your cards down on the table, signaling a fold.

A fold?! Are you serious? You don't even want to try and see what that hand has in store for you once you go just a little deeper?

I don't know about any of you; I am a curious one.

3 other players remain, and here comes the 'River'. Flip. 6.
Flip. 10.


You just let a four-of-a-kind go. How does that feel?
That was a million dollar pot, buddy. Not really. But what if it was?

I like to use this analogy in most every situation that I encounter any sort of hesitation. Wayne Gretzky (Michael Scott)  said it best when he proclaimed "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
Hope all of you Office fans got that one. ^

Why not try? The worst that can happen is that your luck just isn't in the cards today, and you can try again tomorrow.

That's much better than leaving cards on the table that hold endless possibilities.